讲座主题:Superstition and Real Estate Prices: Evidence from a Machine Learning Name Classifier
周阳,美国西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University)经济系博士候选人与Center for Free Enterprise研究员,乔治梅森大学Institute for Humane Studies研究员。2013年毕业于中国科学技术大学统计与金融系,获经济学学士学位。2014年毕业于西班牙胡安卡洛斯国王大学(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos),获经济学硕士学位。主要研究兴趣包括:公共经济学、政治经济学、城市与区域经济学、公共选择。学术论文发表于Applied Economics,Applied Economics Letters,Economics of Governance,European Journal of Political Economy,Journal of Institutional Economics,The Independent Review等SSCI期刊。在西弗吉尼亚大学讲授《微观经济学原理》、《商业与经济统计学基础》、《中级宏观经济学理论》、《数学经济学导论》等本科生课程,同时执教经济系博士生新生“数学经济学集训营”。
We investigate the impact of superstition on prices paid by Chinese-American homebuyers. Chinese consider 8 lucky and 4 unlucky. Lacking explicit buyer ethnicity identifiers, we develop a binomial name classifier, a machine learning approach applicable to any data set containing names,that allows for falsification tests using other ethnic groups,and mitigates ambiguityfrom transliteration of Chinese characters into the Latin alphabet. Chinese buyers pay 1-2% premiums for addresses including an 8 and 1% discounts for addresses including a 4. These results are unrelated to unobserved property quality; no premium exists when Chinese sell to non-Chinese. The persistence of superstitions reflects the extent of cultural assimilation.